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18 Home Remedies for Cracked Heels 
Cracked heels are one of the most irritating and bizarre thing to deal with. It can occur due to many reasons in any age. However, old people who are diabetic need to take care and be very careful with cracked heels.
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24 Home Remedies for Toothache
Toothache, generally known as pain in the tooth is an oral condition which may persist because of certain reasons. These causes can be a simple knock out on your teeth which results in bleeding or as crucial as root canaling. It is said that toothache is very tough on people and leaves its victim after a lot of mess.
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12 Home Remedies for Bedwetting
Bedwetting is a medical condition which is most commonly faced by it can also complained by old people and teenagers before the start of puberty. This is a typical situation which hampers the excretory glands. However, this is not something to fret about. It can be tactfully handled without any hard and fast rulings.
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12 Home Remedies for Vomiting
Vomiting is a common problem faced by both children and adults at different stages of life. Vomiting can be defined as a natural reflux of an individual's body as a response towards some specific diseases or conditions in the body. Vomiting causes a forceful expulsion of contents inside our stomach which is a result of contracting of stomach.
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Home Remedies for Dandruff
What is dandruff? Isn't it something which we all are worried about? What makes it occur and how it can be treated are some questions which would solve the mystery. According to dermatologists and research, it has to be something which appears on scalp. It makes scalp dry and itchy.
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Home Remedies for Bronchitis 
Bronchitis is a respiratory disease which causes infection, swelling and inflammation in bronchial tubes that are present between the lungs and nose. The main cause of bronchitis is bacteria, particles or virus which upsets the bronchial tubes (air tubes). Other causes include smoking, pollution, cough and cold, allergy, fog or dusty air, changes in the atmosphere, and infections.
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Home Remedies for Chapped Lips 
A dry, scaly, swollen, sore or cracked lip is a problem commonly encountered by many usually in the winters or dry season. Dry or chapped lips not only look unpleasant but they are also really painful. Chapped lips do not give off any warning before manifesting.
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Home Remedies for High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure has become so common that out of every 3 people, one person is suffering from high blood pressure. Another name for high blood pressure is hypertension which is a health problem that should not be ignored.
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Home Remedies for Minor Burns
Burns, typically known for a compulsion towards heat or anything which may cause heat reaction to any part of the body. There are three degrees of burn; first, second and third degree burn. Each degree has its own potency of dealing with the skin.
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Home Remedies for Acidity 
Acidity, a common problem faced by many people; teenagers, adults and even oldies. The question arises what exactly acidity is and how a person can cure himself from it. What measures are bound to be taken to avoid complexity of the situation? To begin with it is important to explain what it is.
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